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Title | Hugo Wolf and his Mörike Songs

Author | Susan Youens

Publisher | Cambridge University Press

Details: 2006 | pp. 216 | ISBN 978-0521027199 | paperback |


"This well-indexed volume...will appeal to students and scholars at the upper-division undergraduate level and above, performers, Wolf devotees, and song-literature lovers." [Choice]

Viennese composer Hugo Wolf produced one of the most important song collections of the nineteenth century when he set to music fifty-three poems by the great German poet Eduard Mörike. Susan Youens reappraises this singular collaboration, examining selected Mörike songs in detail to shed new light on the sophisticated interplay between poetry and music. Although Wolf is known as "the Poet's Composer," someone who revered poetry and served it faithfully in his music, Youens reveals how his Mörike songs were also influenced by his own life, psychology and experiences.


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